Monday, June 20, 2011
The Seventh Son of Jacob and Bilhah.
The seventh son of Jacob and Bilhah. The jealous one. He counsels against anger saying that "it giveth peculiar vision." This is a notable thesis on anger.
THE copy of the words of Dan, which he spake to his sons in his last days, in the hundred and twenty-fifth year of his life.
2 For he called together his I family, and said: Hearken to my words, ye sons of Dan; and give heed to the words of your father.
3 I have proved in my heart, and in my whole life, that truth
with just dealing is good and well pleasing to God, and that lying and anger are evil, because they teach man all wickedness.
4 I confess, therefore, this day to you, my children, that in my heart I resolved on the death of Joseph my brother, the true and good man. .
5 And I rejoiced that he was sold, because his father loved him more than us.
6 For the spirit of jealousy and vainglory said to me: Thou thyself also art his son.
7 And one of the spirits of Beliar stirred me up, saying: Take this sword, and with it slay Joseph: so shall thy father love thee when he is dead.
8 Now this is the spirit of anger that persuaded me to crush Joseph as a leopard crusheth a kid.
9 But the God of my fathers did not suffer him to fall into my hands, so that I should find him alone and slay him, and cause a second tribe to be destroyed in Israel.
10 And now, my children, behold I am dying, and I tell you of a truth, that unless ye keep yourselves from the spirit of lying and of anger, and love truth and longsuffering, ye shall perish.
11 For anger is blindness, and does not suffer one to see the face of any man with truth.
12 For though it be a father or a mother, he behaveth towards them as enemies; though it be a brother, he knoweth him not; though it be a prophet of the Lord, he disobeyeth him; though a righteous man, he regardeth him not; though a friend, he doth not acknowledge him.
13 For the spirit of anger encompasseth him with the net of deceit, and blindeth his eyes, and through lying darkeneth his mind, and giveth him its own peculiar vision.
14 And wherewith encompasseth it his eyes? With hatred of heart, so as to be envious of his brother.
15 For anger is an evil thing, my children, for it troubleth even the soul itself.
16 And the body of the angry man it maketh its own, and over his soul it getteth the mastery, and it bestoweth upon the body power that it may work all iniquity.
17 And when the body does all these things, the soul justifieth what is done, since it seeth not aright.
18 Therefore he that is wrathful, if he be a mighty man, hath a threefold power in his anger: one by the help of his servants; and a second by his wealth, whereby he persuadeth and overcometh wrongfully; and thirdly, having his own natural power he worketh thereby the evil.
19 And though the wrathful man be weak, yet hath he a power twofold of that which is by nature; for wrath ever aideth such in lawlessness.
20 This spirit goeth always with lying at the right hand of Satan, that with cruelty and lying his works may be wrought.
21 Understand ye, therefore, the power of wrath, that it is vain.
22 For it first of all giveth provocation by word; then by deeds it strengtheneth him who is angry, and with sharp losses disturbeth his mind, and so stirreth up with great wrath his soul.
23 Therefore, when any one. speaketh against you, be not ye moved to anger, and if any man praiseth you as holy men, be not uplifted: be not moved either to delight or to disgust.
24 For first it pleaseth the hearing, and so maketh the mind keen to perceive the grounds for provocation; and then being enraged, he thinketh that he is justly angry.
25 If ye fall into any loss or ruin, my children, be not afflicted; for this very spirit maketh a man desire that which is perishable, in order that he may be enraged through the affliction.
26 And if ye suffer loss voluntarily, or involuntarily, be not vexed; for from vexation ariseth wrath with lying.
27 Moreover, a twofold mischief is wrath with lying; and they assist one another in order to disturb the heart; and when the soul is continually disturbed, the Lord departeth from it, and Beliar ruleth over it.
A prophecy of the sins, captivity, plagues, and ultimate restitution of the nation. They still talk of Eden (See Verse 18). Verse 23 is remarkable in the light of prophecy.
OBSERVE, therefore, my children, the commandments of the Lord, and keep His law; depart from wrath, and hate lying, that the Lord may dwell among you, and Beliar may flee from you.
2 Speak truth each one with his neighbour. So shall ye not fall into wrath and confusion; but ye shall be in peace, having the God of peace, so shall no war prevail over you.
3 Love the Lord through all your life, and one another with a true heart.
4 I know that in the last days ye shall depart from the Lord, and ye shall provoke Levi unto anger, and fight against Judah; but ye shall not prevail against them, for an angel of the Lord shall guide them both; for by them shall Israel stand.
5 And whensoever ye depart from the Lord, ye shall walk in all evil and work the abominations of the Gentiles, going a-whoring after women of the lawless ones, while with all wickedness the spirits of wickedness work in you.
6 For I have read in the book of Enoch, the righteous, that your prince is Satan, and that all the spirits of wickedness and pride will conspire to attend constantly on the sons of Levi, to cause them to sin before the Lord.
7 And my sons will draw near to Levi, and sin with them in all things; and the sons of Judah will be covetous, plundering other men's goods like lions.
8 Therefore shall ye be led away with them into captivity, and there shall ye receive all the plagues of Egypt, and all the evils of the Gentiles.
9 And so when ye return to the Lord ye shall obtain mercy, and He shall bring you into His sanctuary, and He shall give you peace.
10 And there shall arise unto you from the tribe of Judah and of Levi the salvation of the Lord; and he shall make war against Beliar.
11 And execute an everlasting vengeance on our enemies; and the captivity shall he take from Beliar the souls of the saints, and turn disobedient hearts unto the Lord, and give to them that call upon him eternal peace.
12 And the saints shall rest in Eden, and in the New Jerusalem shall the righteous rejoice, and it shall be unto the glory of God for ever.
13 And no longer shall Jerusalem endure desolation, nor Israel be led captive; for the Lord shall be in the midst of it [living amongst men], and the Holy One of Israel shall reign over it in humility and in poverty; and he who believeth on Him shall reign amongst men in truth.
14 And now, fear the Lord, my children, and beware of Satan and his spirits.
15 Draw near unto God and unto the angel that intercedeth for you, for he is a mediator between God and man, and for the peace of Israel he shall stand up against the kingdom of the enemy.
16 Therefore is the enemy eager to destroy all that call upon the Lord.
17 For he knoweth that upon the day on which Israel shall repent, the kingdom of the enemy shall be brought to an end.
18 For the very angel of peace shall strengthen Israel, that it fall not into the extremity of evil.
19 And it shall be in the time of the lawlessness of Israel, that the Lord will not depart from them, but will transform them into a nation that doeth His will, for none of the angels will be equal unto him.
20 And His name shall be in every place in Israel, and among the Gentiles.
21 Keep, therefore, yourselves, my children, from every evil work, and cast away wrath and all lying, and love truth and long-suffering.
22 And the things which ye have heard from your father, do ye also impart to your children that the Saviour of the Gentiles may receive you; for he is true and long-suffering, meek and lowly, and teacheth by his works the law of God.
23 Depart, therefore, from all unrighteousness, and cleave unto the righteousness of God, and your race will be saved for ever.
24 And bury me near my fathers.
25 And when he had said these things he kissed them, and fell asleep at a good old age.
26 And his sons buried him, and after that they carried up his bones, and placed them near Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob.
27 Nevertheless, Dan prophesied unto them that they should forget their God, and should be alienated from the land of their inheritance and from the race of Israel, and from the family of their seed.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Die Amalekiete, Hetiete, Jebusiete en Amoriete in ons lewens.
Ken ons nie almal daardie gevoel wanneer dit voel of alles jou eenvoudig net wil oorweldig nie ? Wanneer die wasmasjien stukkend is, die motor kort bande, daar is hoeveel ander gate wat toegestop moet word en dit voel eenvoudig of mens net nie kan voorkom nie. Sodra as die een ding reg is dan wag die volgende om sy kop uit te steek. Mens weet later nie meer waar om te keer of wat om te doen nie. Dit voel of jy dryf in hierdie moeras van probleme en dit is net jou mond wat nog so nou en dan bo die water uitsteek, soms moet jy asem ophou wanneer jy onder getrek word om na ‘n wyle net weer jou mond bokant die water uit te kry.
Die aanslae kan mens soms baie mismoedig stem en noodgedwonge begin mens soms die betekenis van dit alles te bevraagteken en wil mens bepaal wat is die doel daaragter.
Die verhaal in Numeri 13 het vandag weer wonderlike betekenis vir my gekry en het my laat verstaan wat behels hierdie stryd wat ons voer.
Moses het die verkenner uitgestuur om die land Kanaan te gaan verken en terug te rapporteer oor die vrugbaarheid daarvan, die ligging van die land, die stede en die mense wat daar woon.
Hulle het die groot druiwetros en ander vrugte saamgebring as bewys van hoe vrugbaar die land is maar die verslag rondom die bevolking was nie so rooskleurig soos die vrugbaarheid nie. Al die verkenners behalwe Kaleb was van mening dat hulle nie die beloofde land kan intrek en oorneem nie. Die verkenner was bevrees vir die inwoners en was oortuig dat die inwoners van Kanaan hulle sal verteer.
Maar Kaleb, hoekom het hy nie die probleem gesien wat die ander verkenners gesien het nie. Omrede hy nie na die inwoners gekyk het nie maar na die Een wat die belofte gegee het. Sy oë was op die hand van sy Meester YaHWeH, daarom kon hy sê, “Laat ons gerus optrek en haar in besit neem.”
Hierdie probleme en aardse dinge wat ons wil oorweldig is ons vyande van die beloofde land. Ons is geneig om ons so blind te staar teen die vyande, dat ons glad nie die verlossing en belofte van ons Geliefde sien of hoor nie.
Ons het vandag die keuse:
Is ons ‘n Kaleb wat glo in die belofte en oor al die gevare heenkyk na die Almagtige wat aan ons die uitkoms bied
Is ons soos die verkenners wat niks verder kon sien as die vreeslike inwoners van die beloofde land nie?
Het ons probleme ons Amalekiete, Hetiete, Jebusiete en Amoriete geraak wat ons verhoed om die “beloofde” land in besit te neem ?
Numeri 13
26 En hulle het weggegaan en by Moshè en Aäron en die hele vergadering van die kinders van JisraEl gekom in die wildernis Paran, in Kadesh, en aan hulle berig gebring, en aan die hele vergadering en hulle die vrugte van die Aarde laat sien.
27 En hulle het hom vertel en gesê: Ons het gekom in die Aarde waarheen u ons gestuur het; en waarlik, sy loop oor van melk en heuning, en dit is haar vrugte.
28 Maar die volk wat in die Aarde woon, is sterk, en die stede is versterk en baie groot; en ons het daar ook die kinders van die Enakiete (reuse) gesien.
29 Die Amalekiete woon in die Aarde van die Suide, maar die Hetiete en Jebusiete en Amoriete woon in die gebergte, en die Kanaäniete woon by die see en aan die kant van die Jordaan.
30 Toe het Kaleb die volk stil gemaak teenoor Moshè en gesê: Laat ons gerus optrek en haar in besit neem; want ons kan haar sekerlik oorweldig.
31 Maar die manne wat saam met hom opgetrek het, het gesê: Ons kan nie teen die volk optrek nie, want hulle is sterker as ons.
32 So het hulle dan slegte gerugte onder die kinders van JisraEl versprei oor die Aarde wat hulle verken het, deur te sê: Die Aarde wat ons deurgetrek het om haar te verken, is ’n Aarde wat haar inwoners verteer; en al die mense wat ons in haar midde gesien het, is groot manne.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
The Sixth Son of Jacob and Leah.
Zebulun, the sixth son of Jacob and Leah. The inventor and philanthropist., What he learned as a result of the plot against Joseph.
THE copy of the words of Zebulun, which he enjoined on his sons before he died in the hundred and fourteenth year of his life, two years after the death of Joseph.
2 And he said to them: Hearken to me, ye sons of Zebulun attend to the words of your father.
3 I, Zebulun, was born a good gift to my parents.
4 For when I was born my father was increased very exceedingly, both in flocks and herds, when with the straked rods he had his portion.
5 I am not conscious that I have sinned all my days, save in thought.
6 Nor yet do I remember that I have done any iniquity, except the sin of ignorance which I committed against Joseph; for I covenanted with my brethren not to tell my father what had been done.
7 But I wept in secret many days on account of Joseph, for I feared my brethren, because they had all agreed that if any one should declare the secret, he should be slain.
8 But when they wished to kill him, I adjured them much with tears not to be guilty of this sin.
9 For Simeon and Gad came against Joseph to kill him, and he said unto them with tears: Pity me, my brethren, have mercy upon the bowels of Jacob our father: lay not upon me your hands to shed innocent blood, for I have not sinned against you.
10 And if indeed I have sinned, with chastening chastise me, my brethren, but lay not upon me your hand, for the sake of Jacob our father,
11 And as he spoke these words, wailing as he did so, I was unable to bear his lamentations, and began to weep, and my liver was poured out, and all the substance of my bowels was loosened.
12 And I wept with Joseph and my heart sounded, and the joints of my body trembled, and I was not able to stand.
13 And when Joseph saw me weeping with him, and them coming against him to slay him, he fled behind me, beseeching them.
14 But meanwhile Reuben arose and said: Come, my brethren, let us not slay him, but let us cast him into one of these dry pits, which our fathers digged and found no water.
15 For for this cause the Lord forbade that water should rise up in them in order that Joseph should be preserved.
16 And they did so, until they sold him to the Ishmaelites.
17 For in his price I had no share, my children.
18 But Simeon and Gad and six other of our brethren took the price of Joseph, and bought sandals for themselves, and their wives, and their children, saying:
19 We will not eat of it, for it is the price of our brother's blood, but we will assuredly tread it under foot, because he said that he would be king over us, and so let us see what will become of his dreams.
20 Therefore it is written in the writing of the law of Moses, that whosoever will not raise up seed to his brother, his sandal should be unloosed, and they should spit in his face.
21 And the brethren of Joseph wished not that their brother should live, and the Lord loosed from them the sandal which they wore against Joseph their brother.
22 For when they came into Egypt they were unloosed by the servants of Joseph outside the gate, and so they made obeisance to Joseph after the fashion of King Pharaoh.
23 And not only did they make obeisance to him, but were spit upon also, falling down before him forthwith, and so they were put to shame before. the Egyptians.
24 For after this the Egyptians heard all the evils that they had done to Joseph.
25 And after he was sold my brothers sat down to eat and drink.
26 But I, through pity for Joseph, did not eat, but watched the pit, since Judah feared lest Simeon, Dan, and Gad should rush off and slay him.
27 But when they saw that I did not eat, they set me to watch him, till he was sold to the Ishmaelites.
28 And when Reuben came and heard that while he was away Joseph had been sold, he rent his garments, and mourning, said:
29 How shall I look on the face of my father Jacob? And he took the money and ran after the merchants but as he failed to find them he returned grieving.
30 But the merchants had left the broad road and marched through the Troglodytes by a short cut.
31 But Reuben was grieved, and ate no food that day.
32 Dan therefore came to him and said: Weep not, neither grieve; for we have found what we can say to our father Jacob.
33 Let us slay a kid of the goats, and dip in it the coat of Joseph; and let us send it to Jacob, saying: Know, is this the coat of thy son?
34 And they did so. For they stripped off from Joseph his coat when they were selling him, and put upon him the garment of a slave.
35 Now Simeon took the coat, and would not give it up, for he wished to rend it with his sword, as he was angry that Joseph lived and that he had not slain him.
36 Then we all rose up and said unto him: If thou givest not up the coat, we will say to our father that thou alone didst this evil thing in Israel.
37 And so he gave it unto them, and they did even as Dan had said.
He urges human sympathy and understanding of one's fellow men.
AND now children, I you (sic) to keep the commands of the Lord, and to show mercy to your neighbours, and to have compassion towards all, not towards men only, but also towards beasts.
2 For all this thing's sake the Lord blessed me, and when all my brethren were sick, I escaped without sickness, for the Lord knoweth the purposes of each.
3 Have, therefore, compassion in your hearts, my children, because even as a man doeth to his neighbour, even so also will the Lord do to him.
4 For the sons of my brethren were sickening and were dying on account of Joseph, because they showed not mercy in their hearts; but my sons were preserved without sickness, as ye know.
5 And when I was in the land of Canaan, by the sea-coast, I made a catch of fish for Jacob my father; and when many were choked in the sea, I continued unhurt.
6 I was the first to make a boat to sail upon the sea, for the Lord gave me understanding and wisdom therein.
7 And I let down a rudder behind it, and I stretched a sail upon another upright piece of wood in the midst.
8 And I sailed therein along the shores, catching fish for the house of my father until we came to Egypt.
9 And through compassion I shared my catch with every stranger.
10 And if a man were a stranger, or sick, or aged, I boiled the fish, and dressed them well, and offered them to all men, as every man had need, grieving with and having compassion upon them.
11 Wherefore also the Lord satisfied me with abundance of fish when catching fish; for he that shareth with his neighbour receiveth manifold more from the Lord.
12 For five years I caught fish and gave thereof to every man whom I saw, and sufficed for all the house of my father.
13 And in the summer I caught fish, and in the winter I kept sheep with my brethren.
14 Now I will declare unto you what I did.
15 I saw a man in distress through nakedness in wintertime, and had compassion upon him, and stole away a garment secretly from my father's house, and gave it to him who was in distress.
16 Do you, therefore, my children, from that which God bestoweth upon you, show compassion and mercy without hesitation to all men, and give to every man with a good heart.
17 And if ye have not the wherewithal to give to him that needeth, have compassion for him in bowels of mercy.
18 I know that my hand found not the wherewithal to give to him that needed, and I walked with him weeping for seven furlongs, and my bowels yearned towards him in compassion.
19 Have, therefore, yourselves also, my children, compassion towards every man with mercy, that the Lord also may have compassion and mercy upon you.
20 Because also in, the last days God will send His compassion on the earth, and wheresoever He findeth bowels of mercy He dwelleth in him.
21 For in the degree in which a man hath compassion upon his neighbours, in the same degree hath the Lord also upon him.
22 And when we went down into Egypt, Joseph bore no malice against us.
23 To whom taking heed, do ye also, my children, approve yourselves without malice, and love one another; and do not set down in account, each one of you, evil against his brother.
24 For this breaketh unity and divideth all kindred, and troubleth the soul, and weareth away the countenance.
25 Observe, therefore, the waters, and know when they flow together, they sweep along stones, trees, earth, and other things.
26 But if they are divided into many streams, the earth swalloweth them up, and they vanish away.
27 So shall ye also be if ye be divided. Be not Ye, therefore, divided into two heads for everything which the Lord made .hath but one head, and two shoulders, two hands, two feet, and all the remaining members.
28 For I have learnt in the writing of my fathers, that ye shall be divided in Israel, and ye shall follow two kings, and shall work every abomination.
29 And your enemies shall lead you captive, and ye shall be evil entreated among the Gentiles, with many infirmities and tribulations.
30 And after these things ye shall remember the Lord and repent, and He shall have mercy upon you, for He is merciful and compassionate.
31 And He setteth not down in account evil against the sons of men, because they are flesh, and are deceived through their own wicked deeds.
32 And after these things shall there arise unto you the Lord Himself, the light of righteousness, and ye shall return unto your land.
33 And ye shall see Him in Jerusalem, for His name's sake.
34 And again through the wickedness of your works shall ye provoke Him to anger,
35 And ye shall be cast away by Him unto the time of consummation.
36 And now, my children, grieve not that I am dying, nor be cast down in that I am coming to my end.
37 For I shall rise again in the midst of you, as a ruler in the midst of his sons; and I shall rejoice in the midst of my tribe, as many as shall keep the law of the Lord, and the commandments of Zebulun their father.
38 But upon the ungodly shall the Lord bring eternal fire, and destroy them throughout all generations.
39 But I am now hastening away to my rest, as did also my fathers.
40 But do ye fear the Lord our God with all your strength all the days of your life.
41 And when he had said these things he fell asleep, at a good old age.
42 And his sons laid him in a wooden coffin. And afterwards they carried him up and buried him in Hebron, with his fathers.
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