Monday, May 30, 2011
Hoekom Skreeu? ? ?
Die professor was besig om die studente te leer oor Spreuke 15: 1. Hy vra sy studente,
“Hoekom skreeu ons in woede ? Waarom skreeu mense vir mekaar wanneer hulle kwaad is vir mekaar?”
Die studente het vir so wyle oor die vraag gedink en een van hulle waag ’n antwoord, omdat ons nie meer kalm en bedaard is nie en ons skreeu om uiting aan ons frustrasie te gee.
“Maar waarom skreeu as die ander persoon dan reg langs jou staan?” vra die professor.
“Is dit nie moontlik om met hom of haar te spreek in ’n sagte stem nie? Hoekom skreeu jy op ’n persoon wanneer jy kwaad is vir hom of haar?”
Die studente het verskeie verduideliking probeer gee maar nie een daarvan het die professor tevrede gestel nie. Uiteindelik verduidelik hy aan hulle:
“Wanneer twee mense vir mekaar kwaad is, dan skei hul harte geestelik van hul besitters.
Om die verwyderde afstand te oorbrug, moet hulle skreeu om mekaar te hoor. Hoe hewiger die kwaad vir mekaar is, hoe harder sal hulle skreeu om mekaar te hoor oor die groot afstand.
Die professor vra toe, “Wat gebeur wanneer twee mense verlief raak? Hulle skreeu nie op mekaar, nie maar praat saggies met mekaar, hoekom?
Omdat hulle harte geestelik baie na aan mekaar is. Die afstand tussen hulle harte is baie klein. Die professor gaan voort,
“Wanneer hulle mekaar nog meer innig lief het, wat gebeur? Hulle praat nie, maar fluister net en hulle beweeg nog nader in mekaar se liefde.
Uiteindelik het hulle nie eens nodig om te fluister nie, hulle kyk net na mekaar en dis al wat nodig is ...
So volgende keer wanneer jy op ’n geliefde skreeu, weet dat jy besig is om afstand te skep tussen jou hart en die ander persoon se hart.
Spreuke 15:1 ‘n Sagte antwoord keer die grimmigheid af, maar ‘n krenkende woord laat die toorn opkom.
Friday, May 20, 2011
The Fifth Son of Jacob and Leah.
Issachar, the fifth son of Jacob and Leah. The sinless child of hire for mandrakes. He appeals for simplicity.
THE copy of the words of Issachar.
2 For he called his sons and said to them: Hearken, my children, to Issachar your father; give ear to the words of him who is beloved of the Lord.
3 I was born the fifth son to Jacob, by way of hire for the mandrakes.
4 For Reuben my brother brought in mandrakes from the field, and Rachel met him and took them.
5 And Reuben wept, and at his voice Leah my mother came forth.
6 Now these mandrakes were sweet-smelling apples which were produced in the land of Haran below a ravine of water.
7 And Rachel said: I will not give them to thee, but they shall be to me instead of children.
8 For the Lord hath despised me, and I have not borne children to Jacob.
9 Now there were two apples; and Leah said to Rachel: Let it suffice thee that thou hast taken my husband: wilt thou take these also?
10 And Rachel said to her: Thou shalt have Jacob this night for the mandrakes of thy son,
11 And Leah said to her: Jacob is mine, for I am the wife of his youth.
12 But Rachel said: Boast not, and vaunt not thyself; for he espoused me before thee, and for my sake he served our father fourteen years.
13 And had not craft increased on the earth and the wickedness of men prospered, thou wouldst not now see the face of Jacob.
14 For thou art not his wife, but in craft wert taken to him in my stead.
15 And my father deceived me, and removed me on that night, and did not suffer Jacob to see me; for had I been there, this had not happened to him.
16 Nevertheless, for the mandrakes I am hiring Jacob to thee for one night.
17 And Jacob knew Leah, and she conceived and bare me, and on account of the hire I was called Issachar.
18 Then appeared to Jacob an angel of the Lord, saying: Two children shall Rachel bear, inasmuch as she hath refused company with her husband, and hath chosen continency.
19 And had not Leah my mother paid the two apples for the sake of his company, she would have borne eight sons; for this reason she bare six, and Rachel bare the two: for on account of the mandrakes the Lord visited her.
20 For He knew that for the sake of children she wished to company with Jacob, and not for lust of pleasure.
21 For on the morrow also she again gave up Jacob.
22 Because of the mandrakes, therefore, the Lord hearkened to Rachel.
23 For though she desired them, she cat them not, but offered them in the house of the Lord, presenting them to the priest of the Most High who was at that time.
24 When, therefore, I grew up, my children, I walked in uprightness of heart, and I became a husbandman for my father and my brethren, and I brought in fruits from the field according to their season.
25 And my father blessed me, for he saw that I walked in rectitude before him.
26 And I was not a busybody in my doings, nor envious and malicious against my neighbour.
27 I never slandered any one, nor did I censure the life of any man, walking as I did in singleness of eye.
28 Therefore, when I was thirty-five years old, I took to myself a wife, for my labour wore away my strength, and I never thought upon pleasure with women; but owing to my toil, sleep overcame me.
29 And my father always rejoiced in my rectitude, because I offered through the priest to the Lord all first-fruits; then to my father also.
30 And the Lord increased ten thousandfold His benefits in my hands; and also Jacob, my father, knew that God aided my singleness.
31 For on all the poor and oppressed I bestowed the good things of the earth in the singleness of my heart.
32 And now, hearken to me, my children, and walk in singleness of your heart, for I have seen in it all that is well-pleasing to the Lord. '
33 The single-minded man coveteth not gold, he overreacheth not his neighbour, he longeth not after manifold dainties, he delighteth not in varied apparel.
34 He doth not desire to live a long life, but only waiteth for the will of God.
35 And the spirits of deceit have no power against him, for he looketh not on the beauty of women, lest he should pollute his mind with corruption.
36 There is no envy in his thoughts, no malicious person maketh his soul to pine away, nor worry with insatiable desire in his mind.
37 For he walketh in singleness of soul, and beholdeth all things in uprightness of heart, shunning eyes made evil through the error of the world, lest he should see the perversion of any of the commandments of the Lord.
38 Keep, therefore, my children, the law of God, and get singleness, and walk in guilelessness, not playing the busybody with the business of your neighbour, but love the Lord and your neighbour, have compassion on the poor and weak.
39 Bow down your back unto husbandry, and toil in labours in all manner of husbandry, offering gifts to the Lord with thanksgiving.
40 For with the first-fruits of the earth will the Lord bless you, even as He blessed all the saints from Abel even until now.
41 For no other portion is given to you than of the fatness of the earth, whose fruits are raised by toil.
42 For our father Jacob blessed me with blessings of the earth and of first-fruits.
43 And Levi and Judah were glorified by the Lord even among the sons of Jacob; for the Lord gave them an inheritance, and to Levi He gave the priesthood, and to Judah the kingdom.
44 And do ye therefore obey them, and walk in the singleness of your father; for unto Gad hath it been given to destroy the troops that are coming upon Israel.
KNOW ye therefore, my children, that in the last times your sons will forsake singleness, and will cleave unto insatiable desire.
2 And leaving guilelessness, will draw near to malice; and forsaking the commandments of the Lord, they will cleave unto Beliar.
3 And leaving husbandry, they will follow after their own wicked devices, and they shall be dispersed among the Gentiles, and shall serve their enemies.
4 And do you therefore give these commands to your children, that, if they sin, they may the more quickly return to the Lord; For He is merciful, and will deliver them, even to bring them back into their land.
5 Behold, therefore, as ye see, I am a hundred and twenty-six years old and am not conscious of committing any sin.
6 Except my wife I have not known any woman. I never committed fornication by the uplifting of my eyes.
7 I drank not wine, to be led astray thereby;
8 I coveted not any desirable thing that was my neighbour's.
9 Guile arose not in my heart;
10 A lie passed not through my lips.
11 If any man were in distress I joined my sighs with his,
12 And I shared my bread with the poor.
13 I wrought godliness, all my days I kept truth.
14 I loved the Lord; likewise also every man with all my heart.
15 So do you also these things, my children, and every spirit of Beliar shall flee from you, and no deed of wicked men shall rule over you;
16 And every wild beast shall ye subdue, since you have with you the God of heaven and earth and walk with men in singleness of heart.
17 And having said these things, he commanded his sons that they should carry him up to Hebron, and bury him there in the cave with his fathers.
18 And he stretched out his feet and died, at a good old age; with every limb sound, and with strength unabated, he slept the eternal sleep.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
“Liefdes kind”
Vandag moet julle mense my help want daar is ’n paar dinge wat ek nie altyd lekker verstaan nie en met die ene is ek totaal dom.
Terwyl ek vanoggend werk toe ry hoor ek so terloops van een of ander bekende se “liefdes kind” (love child) by ’n ander vrou, is nou nie seker of dit Arnold Schwarzenegger se kind is of ’n ander bekende nie. Hoe dit nou ook al sy.
Nou begin die term “liefdes kind” hier in my gedagtes rondmaal en maak nie saak hoe ek daarna kyk nie, ek kan die term “liefdes kind” in hierdie konteks eenvoudig nie begryp nie.
As ons die saak so bietjie analiseer dan ontstaan daar ’n paar vrae wat mens eers vir jouself sal moet uitmaak:
As die man ’n kind by ’n ander vrou verwek, buiten sy eie vrou, dan praat mense in die algemeen van ’n buite-egtelike kind, maar sodra dit ’n bekende persoon is dan word die term buite-egtelik nie meer gebruik nie, maar dan dink die mense die term “liefdes kind” is meer gepas.
Hoekom ? ? ?
As die man dan ’n “liefdes kind” het, wat noem mens dan sy kinders by sy eie vrou – “haat kinders” ? ? ? Want as buite-egtelike kinders “liefdes kinders” is, dan moet kinders binne die eg (wat die teenoorgestelde van buite-egtelik is) die teenoorgestelde genoem word van “liefdes kinders” en dit is “haat kinders.”
Hoekom noem ons hulle nie wat hulle is nie, “wellustigheids kinders” want dis hoe hulle ontstaan het, nie uit ’n kamstige liefde nie maar uit suiwer wellustigheid. As hy regtig lief was vir die vrou dan sal hy mos met haar in die huweliks tree.
Maar wat gebeur nou ? ? ?
Hy draai sy rug op die kamstige liefde van sy lewe en keer terug na sy vrou en sê net, sorry ek het ’n fout gemaak.
Laat ons ophou skerm vir die oortreding en noem dit wat dit is – ’n buite-egtelike kind nie ’n “liefdes kind” nie.
Jou “liefdes kind” behoort die kinders te wees wat verwek is by jou vrou.
PRE 7:26 : En ek het iets uitgevind bitterder as die Dood: die vrou wat strikke is, haar hart nette, haar hande boeie; hy wat suiwer is voor die Aangesig van die Elohim, sal van haar vryraak, maar die oortreder word gevang in haar.
PRE 7:27 : Kyk, dit het ek uitgevind, sê die Prediker, deur die een by die ander [te voeg], om 'n slotsom te vind -
PRE 7:28 : wat my siel lank gesoek het, maar wat ek nie gevind het nie: een adamiet uit duisend het ek gevind, maar 'n vrou het ek onder soveel nie gevind nie.
PRE 7:29 : Kyk, net dit het ek uitgevind: dat die Elohim die adamiet reg gemaak het, maar hulle het baie slim planne gesoek.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Om afgode te dien (Deut 8:19), te vereer (Deut 17:3), te maak (Ex 34:17), te verdra (Jos 2:14), te akkommodeer (Deut 5:7), na te jaag (Deut 6:14), te vertroetel (1 Joh. 5:21), te vertrou (Jes. 42:17), te vrees (Rigt. 6:10) en selfs net te vermeld (Ex 23:13) is in die oë van Yahweh 'n gruwel ("abomination") wat onder sy mense uitgeroei moet word. In die Ou Testament word afgodediens in die sterkste moontlike taal veroordeel en onder meer met geestelike hoerery vergelyk (Ex 34:15; Deut 31:16; Rigt. 2:17). In die Nuwe Testament word dit beklemtoon dat hulle wat heidense praktyke beoefen nie die koninkryk van Yahweh sal beërwe nie (1 Kor. 6:10; Gal 5:20-21; Efes 5:5; Openb. 21:8) en dat gelowiges NIKS met afgodediens te make moet hê nie (1 Kor. 10:14). Sou die Woord van Yahweh so duidelik oor 'n saak praat as dit nie iets is waaroor Hy baie sterk voel nie?
Sommiges sal dadelik beswaar maak en sê dat ons moderne samelewing nie meer so deurtrek is van afgode soos in die antieke tyd nie en dat afgodediens in sy "primitiewe" vorm iets is wat nie meer vandag algemeen voorkom nie. Of so 'n stelling nou waar is, of nie, is nie regtig ter sake nie. Die Skrif sê ondubbelsinnig ons mag NIKS met afgodediens te make hê nie. Ons mag nie die weë van die heidene aanleer nie (Jer. 10:2); ons mag hulle werke nie navolg nie (Ex 23:24). Oor en oor word die volk gewaarsku: oppas vir die STRIK en die VERLEIDING van afgodediens (Ex 23:33; Deut 7:16; Deut 11:16; Deut 13:13; Rigt. 2:3). Paulus sê daar kan geen ooreenkoms tot stand kom tussen die tempel van Elohim (d.w.s. die gelowiges) en afgode nie. "Daarom," sê hy, "gaan onder hulle uit en sonder julle af, spreek Yahweh; en raak nie aan wat onrein is nie, en Ek sal julle aanneem" (2 Kor. 6:16-17). Of dit nou afgodediens in sy mees eksplisiete vorm is, en of dit die meer subtiele en onopsigtelike (moderne) gestaltes van afgodediens is - dit is teen die wil van ons Vader dat enige van sy kinders daarby betrokke raak.
Waarom is die Skrif so sterk teen afgodediens gekant? Omdat Yahweh 'n heilige en 'n jaloerse Elohim is! As Hy iemand roep om Hom te volg, verwag Hy dat so iemand ook heilig (d.w.s. afgesonderd vir Hom) sal wees (Lev 11:44; 1 Pet 1:15-16). Hy is nie bereid om sy eer met enige iemand of enige iets te deel nie (Jes. 42:8). Hy is 'n jaloerse Elohim (Ex 20:5) en Hy verlang sy volgelinge se onverdeelde lojaliteit en toewyding. Al is die afgode nietig en leweloos en magteloos (Deut 32:21; 1 Sam 12:21), is hulle nogtans nie skadeloos nie. Hulle maak dat daar 'n wig ingedryf word tussen mense en Yahweh; hulle maak dat mense Hom vergeet en dink dat hulle sonder Hom kan klaarkom (Deut 8:19). Hulle maak dat 'n mens struikel op jou pad en op 'n dwaalspoor beland (Jer. 18:15).
Kom ons kyk na 'n gedeelte in die Nuwe Testament wat oor afgodediens gaan. "Maar destyds, toe julle Elohim nie geken het nie, het julle dié gedien wat van nature geen gode is nie; maar nou dat julle Elohim ken, of liewer deur Elohim geken is, hoe keer julle weer terug tot die swakke en armoedige eerste beginsels wat julle weer van voor af aan wil dien? Julle neem dae en maande en tye en jare waar. Ek vrees vir julle dat ek miskien tevergeefs aan julle gearbei het" (Gal 4:8-11). Paulus sê die gelowiges in Galasië het hulle voor hulle bekering met afgodediens en allerlei heidense praktyke besig gehou (onthou, die meerderheid Galasiërs was nie Jode nie). Noudat hulle egter tot geloof gekom het, lyk dit asof hulle weer van voor af by hierdie dinge betrokke wil raak en "terugkeer tot swakke en armoedige eerste beginsels". Talle christene lees dinge in hierdie gedeelte wat Paulus nooit gesê het nie. Hulle sê die dinge waarna die Galasiërs "teruggekeer" het, is dinge soos die Sabbat en die feeste waarvan die Ou Testament praat, want Paulus verkwalik hulle dat hulle "dae en maande en tye en jare" waarneem.
Hierdie gedeelte gaan egter oor praktyke wat met AFGODEDIENS te make het. Dit gaan oor "dae en maande en tye" wat deur die heidene gevier word (hulle wat "Elohim nie geken het nie"). Die Sabbat en die feeste van Yahweh is nie "swakke en armoedige eerste beginsels" nie en word nooit so in die Skrif genoem nie. Paulus, wat self die Sabbat en feeste gehou het en eendag gesê het "Ek moet beslis die komende fees in Jerusalem vier" (Hand 18:21), sal nooit die Sabbat of die feeste, of enigiets wat deel uitmaak van die wet van Yahweh, as "afgodediens" bestempel nie. Die dae en maande en tye waarvan hy hier praat is dus sonder enige twyfel dae en maande en tye wat deur heidense nasies onderhou word en wat die Galasiese christene nog steeds wou onderhou - net soos hulle (as 'n vaste tradisie) al die jare voor hulle bekering gedoen het!
Die situasie in Galasië klink verbasend baie na die situasie vandag, wanneer dit kom by praktyke ("dae" en "tye") soos Kersfees, Paasfees, Valentynsdag en Halloween, waarvan die wortels almal baie diep in heidense afgodediens lê. Sonder om hier meer besonderhede oor die heidense wortels van hierdie "feesdae" te gee, kan die vraag met reg gestel word: Doen ons nie presies dieselfde as die Galasiërs deur "terug te keer" tot "die swakke en armoedige eerste beginsels" wanneer ons wat "uit die duisternis geroep is tot sy wonderbare lig" (1 Pet 2:9) aanhou om dae te vier wat sonder enige twyfel met afgodediens verband hou nie? Is ons nie dan soos iemand wat, nadat hy jare lank in 'n donker klooster gewoon het waar hy nooit enige lig gesien het nie en toe eendag tot sy groot vreugde 'n manier gevind het om buite in die sonlig te kom, besluit om liewer in die klooster te bly en nooit weer die sonlig te geniet nie?
Afgodediens beteken om jou rug te draai op Yahweh en sy weë wat Hy aan jou bekend gemaak het en 'n soort godsdiens na te volg of uit te dink waarin sy Woord nie in ag geneem word nie. Daarom kom dit neer op afgodediens as sy wette en sy verordeninge nie ernstig opgeneem word nie (Jer. 16:11). Wanneer elkeen "wandel na die verhardheid van sy bose hart, om na My nie te luister nie" (Jer. 16:12). Dit kom eweneens neer op afgodediens as mense die boodskap van die Skrif volgens hulle eie voorkeure verskraal of verbreed. In Deut 4:2 lees ons: "Julle mag by die woord wat ek julle beveel, niks byvoeg nie, en julle mag daar niks van weglaat nie; sodat julle die gebooie van Yahweh julle Elohim mag onderhou, wat ek julle beveel." Die konteks van hierdie gedeelte laat blyk duidelik dat dit in die oë van Yahweh 'n vorm van afgodediens is wanneer mense iets by sy woorde probeer byvoeg of weglaat. Hoeveel "christene" is daar nie vandag wat te kenne gee dat hulle Yahweh met hulle hele hart dien, maar die Woord met 'n skêr en 'n pot lym benader sodat hulle dit "na smaak" kan verklein of vergroot nie?
In Ps 106:34 en 35 staan die volgende woorde: "Hulle het die volke nie verdelg soos Yahweh aan hulle gesê het, maar hul met die heidene vermeng en hulle werke geleer". Wanneer ons, ons wandel met Yahweh VERMENG met enige bestanddeel wat uit die heidendom kom en die werke (en gebruike en tradisies) navolg van hulle wat Yahweh nie ken nie, is ons besig met afgodediens. Die Vader verlang dat ons diens en ons toewyding aan Hom suiwer en onbesmet sal wees (Jak 1:27) en dat die bruid wat binnekort voor die bruidegom gaan verskyn "sonder vlek of rimpel of iets dergeliks" sal wees, ja, "heilig en sonder gebrek" (Efes 5:27). Dit het tyd geword vir die bruid van Yahshua om na vore te tree en alles wat besoedel en verontreinig uit haar midde te verwyder. Hierdie proses is 'n radikale proses waarin dit geen doel dien om nog aan enigiets vas te hou wat van twyfelagtige herkoms is nie.
Iemand het die volgende definisie vir afgodediens geformuleer: "Whatever of wealth or honour or pleasure is loved and sought before (Yahweh) and as righteousness becomes an object of idolatry". Alhoewel dit nie 'n omvattende definisie is nie, is dit tog baie waar en dit gee vir ons 'n goeie aanduiding van die dinge wat vandag as afgode in mense se lewens funksioneer. Die belangrike om hier raak te sien is dat 'n goeie ding, selfs 'n kerklike of 'n Bybelse aktiwiteit, so nagejaag en op die voorgrond geplaas kan word, dat dit 'n afgod word vir die wat daarmee besig is - 'n aktiwiteit (wat met Yahweh te make het) wat die plek in ons lewens begin inneem wat alleen vir Hom beskore is.
Met erkenning aan, Harry 1 en Sarel Roeloffze
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Teen die agtergrond van die feit dat vakansie- en spesiale dae soos Nuwejaarsdag, Valentynsdag, Paasfees, Halloween en Kersfees deurspek is met heidense elemente en mensgemaakte tradisies wat nie in die Skrif gerugsteun kan word nie, vermoed ‘n mens by voorbaat dat Moedersdag geen uitsondering op hierdie reël is nie. Waar kom die tradisie van Moedersdag vandaan en kan gelowiges wat Yahweh se Woord as hoogste gesag in hulle lewens erken, hierdie dag met vrymoedigheid hou?
Inligting wat deur ensiklopedieë oor die geskiedenis van Moedersdag verstrek word, dui daarop dat die viering van Moedersdag teruggaan na die lente-feesvierings in antieke Griekeland ter ere van Rhea, die Moeder van die gode. Later, teen 250 v.M. (voor Messias), is daar ook soortgelyke feesdae in Rome ter ere van Cybele, die Moedergodin, gehou. Hierdie fees het as Hilaria bekend gestaan en is gewoonlik van 15 Maart tot 18 Maart gehou.
Heelwat later, teen die sewentiende eeu, het die Katolieke kerk in Engeland begin om "Mothering Sunday" op die 4 de Sondag van die "Lent" seisoen te hou ("Lent" is die 40 dae periode van verootmoediging voor "Easter" elke jaar en die 4 de Sondag val gewoonlik in Maart of April). Hierdie 4 de Sondag van "Lent" (ook genoem: "Mid-lent Sunday") is spesifiek daaraan gewy om die moeders van Engeland te vereer. Die arm werkers wat in baie gevalle ver van hulle gesinne af by hulle base gewoon en gewerk het, het hierdie dag "af" gekry en is aangemoedig om na hulle gesinne te gaan en die dag saam met hulle moeders deur te bring. Hulle het gewoonlik ‘n spesiale koek, die sg. "mothering cake", saamgeneem huis toe, sodat daar behoorlik feesgevier kon word.
Met die verspreiding van die Christendom deur Europa het dit gebruiklik geraak om op "Mothering Sunday" na die plaaslike Rooms Katolieke kapel te gaan en spesiale offers te bring ter ere van die "Mother Church". So het hierdie dag die konnotasie verkry dat dit ‘n dag is om gawes aan die gewone moeders, sowel as die groter "Moeder" (d.w.s. die Katolieke Kerk) te bring. Historici meen dat die rede waarom die "Mother Church" ook op hierdie dag vereer is, is omdat die vroeë kerk (in die tyd van Konstantyn) meeste van die gebruike wat voorheen aan die moedergodin gekoppel is, effens aangepas het en dit toe in hierdie gewysigde vorm aan die "Mother Church" gekoppel het. Seremonies, gebruike en titels waarmee Moeder Cybele voorheen vereer is, is deur die kerk in diens geneem om Moerder Maria te vereer. Die bekendste voorbeeld hiervan is die benaming "theotokos" ("Mother of God") wat vandag nog vir Maria gebruik word en wat opvallend ooreenstem met die titel ("Mother of the gods" – soms ook "Mother of God") wat voorheen vir Rhea en Cybele gebruik is.
Met die aanvang van die Industriële Revolusie teen die einde van die 18 de eeu het "Mothering Sunday" sy prominensie in Engeland en die res van Europa verloor. Hierna het die toneel van moedersdagviering na Amerika verskuif. Anna M. Jarvis (1864-1948) het met die idee vorendag gekom om elke jaar ‘n dag af te sonder waarop daar erkenning gegee word vir die onontbeerlike rol van moeders in mense se lewens. Die goewerneur van Wes Virginia het die eerste Moedersdag Proklamasie in 1910 uitgevaardig. Teen 1911 was daar nie meer ‘n staat in Amerika waar Moedersdag nie op een of ander wyse gevier is nie. Hierdie gebruik het spoedig na ander lande oorgewaai en op 12 Desember 1912 is die "Mother's Day International Association" gestig met die doel om wêreldwyd die viering van Moedersdag te bevorder en aan te moedig. In 1914 het President Woodrow Wilson van Amerika Moedersdag as amptelike vakansiedag verklaar wat jaarliks op die 2 de Sondag van Mei gehou moes word. Dieselfde gebruik word vandag nog in meeste lande ter wêreld gevolg.
Wat beteken dit alles vir ons? As ons die Skrif as hoogste gesag in ons lewens aanvaar en erns maak met die verbod teen enige vorm van afgodediens, insluitende die duidelike waarskuwing van Sha’ul dat ons NIKS met afgodediens te make moet hê nie en daarvan moet wegvlug (1 Kor 10:14), moet ons onsself VOLLEDIG distansieer van die tradisionele "moedersdag" konsep met sy duidelike verbintenis met die verering van Cybele, die sg. "moeder van die gode", sowel as Maria, die sg, "moeder van God". Saam hiermee moet ons ons ook VOLLEDIG distansieer van die verering van enige kerk wat self as "moeder" bekendstaan of wat afstam van die Rooms Katolieke kerk wat haarself as "moeder" van die christene van hierdie wêreld voorhou.
In die tweede plek behoort ons ons steun te gee aan die beginsel dat moeders sowel as vaders erkenning en respek ontvang vir wie hulle is en wat hulle doen om gesinne te versorg en te vertroetel en te beskerm. Ten diepste is dit die beginsel van die vyfde gebod ("Eer jou vader en jou moeder") wat hier ter sprake kom. Die Skrif gee geen aanduiding dat ons een spesifieke dag per jaar hiervoor moet afsonder nie. Dit is tragies dat, ook in hierdie geval, baie "christene" veel sterker voel oor die "onderhouding" van Moedersdag as oor die onderhouding van die voorgeskrewe feeste van Yahweh, soos Pesag en Yom Kippur. Om werklik die vyfde gebod te gehoorsaam, vra baie beslis ‘n gesindheid en optrede wat verder strek as net een dag of een spesiale "gebaar" per jaar.
As ons egter sterk voel daaroor om ‘n dag per jaar uit te sonder waarop ons op simboliese wyse ons liefde en eerbied en waardering vir ons moeders wil betoon, bo en behalwe die feit dat ons hulle kragtens die vyfde gebod deurlopend eerbiedig en liefhet, kan daar seker nie fout mee gevind word nie. My voorstel sou wees dat hierdie dag liefs ‘n ander dag as die tweede Sondag van Mei moet wees, om die eenvoudige rede dat "Moedersdag", soos reeds aangetoon, nie sonder ‘n lang geskiedenis van onskriftuurlike en heidense gebruike aan ons oorgedra is nie. As almal in die familie egter nie dieselfde oortuigings oor hierdie saak huldig nie, behoort diegene wat wel besorgd is oor die heidense oorsprong van hierdie dag, op ‘n sensitiewe manier hulle besorgdheid aan die res van die familie oor te dra. Ter versagting kan darem gesê word dat die oorspronklike fees (ter ere van Cybele en Rhea) op ander dae van die jaar gehou is.
Die belangrike is egter dat ons dit duidelik teenoor ons families sal uitspel dat ons nie die "dag" (ook genoem "holiday", afkomstig van "holy day") van "Moedersdag" vier nie – nie omdat ons NIE ons moeders wil eer nie, maar omdat ons NIE ons Vader wil verloën nie.
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Tuesday, May 3, 2011
The Fourth Son of Jacob and Leah.
Judah, the fourth son of Jacob and Leah. He is the giant, athlete, warrior; he recounts heroic deeds. He runs so fast that he can outstrip a hind.
THE copy of the words of Judah, what things he spake to his sons before he died.
2 They gathered themselves together, therefore, and came to him, and he said to them: Hearken, my children, to Judah your father.
3 I was the fourth son born to my father Jacob; and Leah my mother named me Judah, saying, I give thanks to the Lord, because He hath given me a fourth son also.
4 I was swift in my youth, and obedient to my father in everything.
5 And I honoured my mother and my mother's sister.
6 And it came to pass, when I became a man, that my father blessed me, saying, Thou shalt be a king, prospering in all things.
7 And the Lord showed me favour in all my works both in the field and in the house.
8 I know that I raced a hind, and caught it, and prepared the meat for my father, and he did eat.
9 And the roes I used to master in the chase, and overtake all that was in the plains.
10 A wild mare I overtook, and caught it and tamed it.
11 I slew a lion and plucked a kid out of its mouth.
12 I took a bear by its paw and hurled it down the cliff, and it was crushed.
13 I outran the wild boar, and seizing it as I ran, I tore it in sunder.
14 A leopard in Hebron leaped upon my dog, and I caught it by the tail, and hurled it on the rocks, and it was broken in twain
15 I found a wild ox feeding in the fields, and seizing it by the horns, and whirling it round and stunning it, I cast it from me and slew it.
16 And when the two kings of the Canaanites came sheathed, in armour against our flocks, and much people with them, single handed I rushed upon the king of Hazor, and smote him on the greives and dragged him down, and so I slew him.
17 And the other, the king of Tappuah, as he sat upon his horse, I slew, and so I scattered all his people.
18 Achor, the king, a man of giant stature, I found, hurling javelins before and behind as he sat on horseback, and I took up a stone of sixty pounds weight, and hurled it and smote his horse, and killed it.
19 And I fought with this other for two hours; and I clave his shield in twain, and I chopped off his feet, and killed him.
20 And as I was stripping off his breastplate, behold nine men his companions began to fight with me,
21 And I wound my garment on my hand; and I slung stones at them, and killed four of them, and the rest fled.
22 And Jacob my father slew Beelesath, king of all the kings, a giant in strength, twelve cubits high.
23 And fear fell upon them, and they ceased warring against us.
24 Therefore my father was free from anxiety in the wars when I was with my brethren.
25 For he saw in a vision concerning me that an angel of might followed me everywhere, that I should not be overcome.
26 And in the south there came upon us a greater war than that in Shechem; and I joined in battle array with my brethren, and pursued a thousand men, and slew of them two hundred men and four kings.
27 And I went up upon the wall, and I slew four mighty men.
28 And so we captured Hazor, and took all the spoil.
29 And the next day we departed to Aretan, a city strong and walled and inaccessible, threatening us with death.
30 But I and Gad approached on the east side of the city, and Reuben and Levi on the west.
31 And they that were upon the wall, thinking that we were alone, were drawn down against us.
32 And so my brothers secretly climbed up the wall on both sides by stakes, and entered the city, while the men knew it not.
33 And we took it with the edge of the sword.
34 And as for those who had taken refuge in the tower, we set fire to the tower and took both it and, them.
35 And as we were departing the men of Tappuah seized our spoil, and seeing this we fought with them.
36 And we slew them. all and recovered our spoil.
37 And when I was at the waters of Kozeba, the men of Jobel came against us to battle.
38 And we fought with them and routed them; and their allies from Shiloh we slew, and we did not leave them power to come in against us.
39 And the men of Makir came upon us the fifth day, to seize our spoil; and we attacked them and overcame them in fierce battle: for there was a host of mighty men amongst them, and we slew them before they had gone up the ascent.
40 And when we came to their city their women rolled upon us stones from the brow of the hill on which the city stood.
41 And I and Simeon had ourselves behind the town, and seized upon the heights, and destroyed this city also.
42 And the next day it was told us that the king of the city of Gaash with. a mighty host was coming against us.
43 I, therefore, and Dan feigned ourselves to be Amorites, and as allies went into their city.
44 And in the depth of night our brethren came and we opened to them the gates; and we destroyed all the men and their substance, and we took for a prey all that was theirs, and their three walls we cast down.
45 And we drew near to Thamna, where was all the substance of the hostile kings.
46 Then being insulted by them, I was therefore wroth, and rushed against them to the summit; and they kept slinging against me stones and darts.
47 And had not Dan my brother aided me, they would have slain me.
48 We came upon them, therefore, with wrath, and they all fled; and passing by another way, they fought my father, and he made peace with them.
49 And we did to them no hurt, and they became tributary to us, and we restored to them their spoil.
50 And I built Thamna, and my father built Pabael.
51 I was twenty years old when this war befell. And the Canaanites feared me and my brethren.
52 And I had much cattle, and I had for chief herdsman Iram the Adullamite.
53 And when I went to him I saw Parsaba, king of Adullam; and he spake unto us, and he made us a feast; and when I was heated he gave me his daughter Bathshua to wife.
54 She bare me Er, and Onan and Shelah; and two of them the Lord smote: for Shelah lived, and his children are ye.
Judah describes some archeological findings, a city with walls of Iron and gates of brass. He has an encounter with an adventuress.
AND eighteen years my father abode in peace with his brother Esau, and his sons with us, after that we came from Mesopotamia, from Laban.
2 And when eighteen years were fulfilled, in the fortieth year of my life, Esau, the brother of my father, came upon us with a mighty and strong people.
3 And Jacob smote Esau with an arrow, and he was taken up wounded on Mount Seir, and as he went he died at Anoniram.
4 And we pursued after the sons of Esau.
5 Now they had a city with walls of iron and gates of brass; and we could not enter into it, and we encamped around, and besieged it.
6 And when they opened not to us in twenty days, I set up a ladder in the sight of all and with my shield upon my head I went up, sustaining the assault of stones, upwards of three talents weight; and I slew four of their mighty men.
7 And Reuben and Gad slew six others.
8 Then they asked from us terms of peace; and having taken counsel with our father, we received them as tributaries.
9 And they gave us five hundred cors of wheat, five hundred baths of oil, five hundred measures of wine, until the famine, when we went down into Egypt.
10 And after these things my son Er took to wife Tamar, from Mesopotamia, a daughter of Aram.
11 Now Er was wicked, and he was in need concerning Tamar, because she was not of the land of Canaan.
12 And on the third night an angel of the Lord smote him.
13 And he had not known her according to the evil craftiness of his mother, for he did not wish to have children by her.
14 In the days of the wedding feast I gave Onan to her in marriage; and he also in wickedness knew her not, though he spent with her a year.
15 And when I threatened him he went in unto her, but he spilled the seed on the ground, according to the command of his mother, and he also died through wickedness.
16 And I wished to give Shelah also to her, but his mother did not permit it; for she wrought evil against Tamar, because she was not the daughters of Canaan, as she also herself was.
17 And I knew that the race of the Canaanites was wicked, but the impulse of youth blinded my mind.
18 And when I saw her pouring out wine, owing to the intoxication of wine I was deceived, and took her although my father had not counselled it.
19 And while I was away she went and took for Shelah a wife from Canaan.
20 And when I knew what she had done, I cursed her in the anguish of my soul.
21 And she also died through her wickedness together with her sons.
22 And after these things, while Tamar was a widow, she heard after two years that I was going up, to shear my sheep, and adorned herself in bridal array, and sat in the city Enaim by the gate.
23 For it was a law of the Amorites, that she who was about to marry should sit in fornication seven days by the gate.
24 Therefore being drunk with wine, I did not recognize her; and her beauty deceived me, through the fashion of her adorning.
25 And I turned aside to her, and said: Let me go in unto thee.
26 And she said: What wilt thou give me? And I gave her my staff, and my girdle, and the diadem of my kingdom in pledge.
27 And I went in unto her, and she conceived.
28 And not knowing what I had done, I wished to slay her; but she privily sent my pledges, and put me to shame.
29 And when I called her, I heard also the secret words which I spoke when lying with her in my drunkenness; and I could not slay her, because it was from the Lord.
30 For I said, Lest haply she did it in subtlety, having received the pledge from another woman.
31 But I came not again near her while I lived, because I had done this abomination in all Israel.
32 Moreover, they who were in the city said there was no harlot in the gate, because she came from another place, and sat for a while in the gate.
33 And I thought that no one knew that I had gone in to her.
34 And after this we came into Egypt to Joseph, because of the famine.
35 And I was forty and six years old, and seventy and three years lived I in Egypt.
He counsels against wine and lust as twin evils. "For he who is drunken reverenceth no man." (Verse 13).
AND now I command you, my children, hearken to Judah your father, and keep my sayings to perform all the ordinances of the Lord, and to obey the commands of God.
2 And walk not after your lusts, nor in the imaginations of your thoughts in haughtiness of heart; and glory not in the deeds and strength of your youth, for this also is evil in the eyes of the Lord.
3 Since I also gloried that in wars no comely woman's face ever enticed me, and reproved Reuben my brother concerning Bilhah, the wife of my father, the spirits of jealousy and of fornication arrayed themselves against me, until I lay with Bathshua the Canaanite, and Tamar, who was espoused to my sons.
4 For I said to my father-in-law: I will take counsel with my father, and so will I take thy daughter.
5 And he was unwilling but he showed me a boundless store of gold in his daughter's behalf; for be was a king.
6 And he adorned her with gold and pearls, and caused her to pour out wine for us at the feast with the beauty of women.
7 And the wine turned aside my eyes, and pleasure blinded my heart.
8 And I became enamoured of and I lay with her, and transgressed the commandment of the Lord and the commandment of my fathers, and I took her to wife.
9 And the Lord rewarded me according to the imagination of my heart, inasmuch as I had no joy in her children.
10 And now, my children, I say unto you, be not drunk with wine; for wine turneth the mind away from, the truth, and inspires the passion of lust, and leadeth the eyes into error.
11 For the spirit of fornication hath wine as a minister to give pleasure to the mind; for these two also take away the mind of man.
12 For if a man drink wine to drunkenness, it disturbeth the mind with filthy thoughts leading to fornication, and heateth the body to carnal union; and if the occasion of the lust be present, he worketh the sin, and is not ashamed.
13 Such is the inebriated man, my children; for he who is drunken reverenceth no man.
14 For, lo, it made me also to err, so that I was not ashamed of the multitude in the city, in that before the eyes of all I turned aside unto Tamar, and I wrought a great sin, and I uncovered the covering of my sons' shame.
15 After I had drunk wine I reverenced not the commandment of God, and I took a woman of Canaan to wife.
16 For much discretion needeth the man who drinketh wine, my children; and herein is discretion in drinking wine, a man may drink so long as he preserveth modesty.
17 But if he go beyond this limit the spirit of deceit attacketh his mind, and it maketh the drunkard to talk filthily, and to transgress and not to be ashamed, but even to glory in his shame, and to account himself honourable.
18 He that committeth fornication is not aware when he suffers loss, and is not ashamed when put to dishonour.
19 For even though a man be a king and commit fornication, he is stripped of his kingship by becoming the slave of fornication, as I myself also suffered.
20 For I gave my staff, that is, the stay of my tribe; and my girdle, that is, my power; and my diadem, that is, the glory of my kingdom.
21 And indeed I repented of these things; wine and flesh I eat not until my old age, nor did I behold any joy.
22 And the angel of God showed me that for ever do women bear rule over king and beggar alike.
23 And from the king they take away his glory, and from the valiant man his might, and from the beggar even that little which is the stay of his poverty.
24 Observe, therefore, my children, the right limit in wine; for there are in it four evil spirits--of lust, of hot desire, of profligacy, of filthy lucre.
25 If ye drink wine in gladness, be ye modest in the fear of God.
26 For if in your gladness the fear of God departeth, then drunkenness ariseth and shamelessness stealeth in.
27 But if ye would live soberly do not touch wine at all, lest ye sin in words of outrage, and in fightings and slanders, and transgressions of the commandments of God, and ye perish before your time.
28 Moreover, wine revealeth the mysteries of God and men, even as I also revealed the commandments of God and the mysteries of Jacob my father to the Canaanitish woman Bathshua, which God bade me not to reveal.
29 And wine is a cause both of war and confusion.
30 And now, I command you, my children, not to love money, nor to gaze upon the beauty of women; because for the sake of money and beauty I was led astray to Bathshua the Canaanite.
31 For I know that because of these two things shall my race fall into wickedness.
32 For even wise men among my sons shall they mar, and shall cause the kingdom of Judah to be diminished, which the Lord gave me because of my obedience to my father.
33 For I never caused grief to Jacob, my father; for all things whatsoever he commanded I did.
34 And Isaac, the father of my father, blessed me to be king in Israel, and Jacob further blessed me in like manner.
35 And I know that from me shall the kingdom be established.
36 And I know what evils ye will do in the last days.
37 Beware, therefore, my children, of fornication, and the love of money, and hearken to Judah your father.
38 For these things withdraw au from the law of God, and blind the inclination of the soul, and teach arrogance, and suffer not a man to have compassion upon his neighbour.
39 They rob his soul of all goodness, and oppress him with toils and troubles, and drive away sleep from him, and devour his flesh.
40 And he hindereth the sacrifices of God; and he remembereth not the blessing of God, he hearkeneth not to a prophet when he speaketh, and resenteth the words of godliness.
41 For he is a slave to two contrary passions, and cannot obey God, because they have blinded his soul, and he walketh in the day as in the night.
42 My children, the love of money leadeth to idolatry; because, when led astray through money, men name as gods those who are not gods, and it causeth him who hath it to fall into madness.
43 For the sake of money I lost my children, and had not my repentance, and my humiliation, and the prayers of my father been accepted, I should have died childless.
44 But the God of my fathers had mercy on me, because I did it in ignorance.
45 And the prince of deceit blinded me, and I sinned as a man and as flesh, being corrupted through sins; and I learnt my own weakness while thinking myself invincible.
46 Know, therefore, my children, that two spirits wait upon man-the spirit of truth and the spirit of deceit.
47 And in the midst is the spirit of understanding of the mind, to which it belongeth to turn whithersoever it will.
48 And the works of truth and the works of deceit are written upon the hearts of men, and each one of them the Lord knoweth.
49 And there is no time at which the works of men can be hid; for on the heart itself have they been written down before the Lord.
50 And the spirit of truth testifieth all things, and accuseth all; and the sinner is burnt up by his own heart, and cannot raise his face to the judge.
Judah makes a vivid simile concerning tyranny and a dire prophecy concerning the morals of his listeners.
AND now, my children, I command you, love Levi, that ye may abide, and exalt not yourselves against him, lest ye be utterly destroyed.
2 For to me the Lord gave the kingdom, and to him the priesthood, and He set the kingdom beneath the priesthood.
3 To me He gave the things upon the earth; to him the things in the heavens.
4 As the heaven is higher than the earth, so is the priesthood of God higher than the earthly kingdom, unless it falls away through sin from the Lord and is dominated by the earthly kingdom.
5 For the angel of the Lord said unto me: The Lord chose him rather than thee, to draw near to Him, and to eat of His table and to offer Him the first-fruits of the choice things of the sons of Israel; but thou shalt be king of Jacob.
6 And thou shalt be amongst them as the sea.
7 For as, on the sea, just and unjust are tossed about, some taken into captivity while some are enriched, so also shall every race of men be in thee: some shall be impoverished, being taken captive, and others grow rich by plundering the possessions of others.
8 For the kings shall be as sea-monsters.
9 They shall swallow men like fishes: the sons and daughters of freemen shall they enslave; houses, lands, flocks, money shall they plunder:
10 And with the flesh of many shall they wrongfully feed the ravens and the cranes; and they shall advance in evil in covetousness uplifted, and there shall be false prophets like tempest, and they shall persecute all righteous men.
11 And the Lord shall bring upon them divisions one against another.
12 And there shall be continual wars in Israel; and among men of another race shall my kingdom be brought to an end, until the salvation of Israel shall come.
13 Until the appearing of the God of righteousness, that Jacob, and all the Gentiles may rest in peace.
14 And He shall guard the might of my kingdom for ever; for the Lord aware to me with an oath that He would not destroy the kingdom from my seed for ever.
15 Now I have much grief, my children, because of your lewdness and witchcrafts, and idolatries which ye shall practise against the kingdom, following them that have familiar spirits, diviners, and demons of error.
16 Ye shall make your daughters singing girls and harlots, and ye shall mingle in the abominations of the Gentiles.
17 For which things' sake the Lord shall bring upon you famine and pestilence, death and the sword, beleaguering by enemies, and revilings of friends, the slaughter of children, the rape of wives, the plundering of possessions, the burning of the temple of God, the laying waste of the land, the enslavement of yourselves among the Gentiles.
18 And they shall make some of you eunuchs for their wives.
19 Until the Lord visit you, when with perfect heart ye repent and walk in all His commandments, and He bring you up from captivity among the Gentiles.
20 And after these things shall a star arise to you from Jacob in peace,
21 And a man shall arise from my seed, like the sun of righteousness,
22 Walking with the sons of men in meekness and righteousness;
23 And no sin shall be found in him.
24 And the heavens shall be opened unto him, to pour out the spirit, even the blessing of the Holy Father; and He shall pour out the spirit of grace upon you;
25 And ye shall be unto Him sons in truth, and ye shall walk in His commandments first and last.
26 Then shall the sceptre of my kingdom shine forth; and from your root shall arise a stem; and from it shall grow a rod of righteousness to the Gentiles, to judge and to save all that call upon the Lord.
27 And after these things shall Abraham and Isaac and Jacob arise unto life; and I and my brethren shall be chiefs of the tribes of Israel:
28 Levi first, I the second, Joseph third, Benjamin fourth, Simeon fifth, Issachar sixth, and so all in order.
29 And the Lord blessed Levi, and the Angel of the Presence, me; the powers of glory, Simeon; the heaven, Reuben; the earth, Issachar; the sea, Zebulun; the mountains, Joseph; the tabernacle, Benjamin; the luminaries, Dan; Eden, Naphtali; the sun, Gad; the moon, Asher.
30 And ye shall be the people of the Lord, and have one tongue; and there shall be there no spirit of deceit of Beliar, for he shall be cast into the fire for ever.
31 And they who have died in grief shall arise in joy, and they who were poor for the Lord's sake shall be made rich, and they who are put to death for the Lord's sake shall awake to life.
32 And the harts of Jacob shall run in joyfulness, and the eagles of Israel shall fly in gladness; and all the people shall glorify the Lord for ever.
33 Observe, therefore, my children, all the law of the Lord, for there is hope for all them who hold fast unto, His ways.
34 And he said to them: Behold, I die before your eyes this day, a hundred and nineteen years old.
35 Let no one bury me in costly apparel, nor tear open my bowels, for this shall they who are kings do; and carry me up to Hebron with you.
36 And Judah, when he had said these things, fell asleep; and his sons did according to all whatsoever he commanded them, and they buried him in Hebron, with his fathers.
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